Legend Airlines is the the perfect solution for airlines when they need additional capacity to cover their short/medium term or seasonal needs.
Charter Flights

tour operators,
companies or individuals

“all inclusive” basis
for a fixed fee

Customized branding

Available for passengers and cargo
Legend Airlines offers a various range of customized charter services, from charter series under ACMI terms to ad-hoc full-charter flights.
We can also perform special charter operations on demand for dedicated events (such as sports, music, corporate, etc).
Upon request, we can provide on-board catering, customized branding options and other on-board services.
We design charter solutions that are perfectly adapted to your requirements.
Tour operators, Companies or even individuals are the main users for Charter flights. Legend Airlines operates the aircraft on an “all inclusive” basis for a fixed fee.
Tour Operators charter aircraft for their holiday packages. We can provide ad-hoc or charter series to to cover their demand for multiple flights over a season.
Companies charter aircraft for incentive travel or transportation of delegations.
Individuals can also charter an aircraft to fulfill their own personal leisure or business transportation needs.
Charter operations are available for passengers and cargo flights.
ACMI Lease

crew & maintenance

Aircraft deployed
in three hours

(b2b) model

customized seats
catering, etc…
Legend Airlines offers tailor-made ACMI solutions to meet our customer’s needs and requirements. We provide our customers with a dedicated aircraft, operated by an experienced crew, maintenance and third party insurance, all managed under our EU registered Air Operator Certificate (AOC).
The aircraft can be deployed with very short notice (as little as three hours) to cover short or medium term transportation needs.
All direct operating costs, such as fuel, catering, airport fees, handling and navigation fees are paid for directly by the client to the service providers. The flight is operated under the customer airline flight numbers.
ACMI solutions are available for both passengers and cargo flights.
Legend Airlines takes pride in its customer-focused approach and provides both classic and customized ACMI solutions.
Classic ACMI – based on a minimum guaranteed number of hours per month, over a defined period of time
Customized ACMI – a customized solution, with no minimum guaranteed number of hours
Our reliable wet lease solutions can be precisely tailored to your requirements, mirroring your product and services.
We can assist our customers in multiple situations such as:
Legend Airlines works on a Business to Business model and sells flight hours to other airlines in need of extra capacity.
ACMI provides a very useful solution for airlines all over the world, helping them cope with short/medium term or seasonal capacity constraints.